Adult Bible Class Material
Habakkuk Study
Before each class, try to read the book in one sitting. It should take less than 10 minutes.
- What do we know about Habakkuk?
- When did Habakkuk prophecy?
- Describe the political and spiritual state of Judah and the world at the time.
- What is different about Habakkuk compared to other books of prophecy?
Habakkuk’s Complaint (1:1-4)
- What is Habakkuk’s complaint?
- Is this complaint unique to Habakkuk?
God’s Answer (1:5-11)
- What is God going to do about the situation?
- How are the Chaldeans described?
Habakkuk’s Second Complaint (1:12-2:1)
- What confidence does Habakkuk show in God before voicing his concern?
- What puzzles Habakkuk about God’s answer to his initial complaint?
- After expressing his concerns, what does Habakkuk resolve to do?
God’s Answer (2:3-2:20)
- What is Habakkuk told to do?
- Who is warned at the beginning of this section?
3) Upon whom are woes pronounced?
Habakkuk’s Prayer (3:1-19)
- What does Habakkuk ask the Lord to do?
- What mighty works of the Lord does Habakkuk recall?
- What was the purpose behind those works?
- How does Habakkuk express his confidence in Jehovah despite his fear?