About Us

About Us

A Congregation of Christians

It is our desire to honor and glorify God in faithfully following the teaching of Jesus and his apostles.

We strive to be Gospel-centered and Bible-based. Through a faithful response to God’s grace, we have found forgiveness and a hope in the resurrection when Christ returns.

As a congregation of Christians, our emphasis is spiritual – not material or social. For that reason, our main concern is that we abide in, and teach the doctrine of Jesus Christ. Christians are called to faithfulness in all areas of our lives. The place of this church, then, is to equip Christians for faithful service in all areas (Eph 4:11-12).

In our aim to follow the teaching of Scripture, we do not claim perfection in our attempts to follow the doctrine of Christ, but neither do we use our imperfection as an excuse. We are always willing to examine ourselves as to whether we are in the faith (2 Cor. 13:5).

Our congregation is independent and non-denominational, our only allegiance being to Jesus and one another. We have no ties to any religious organization larger than ourselves. We have a common relationship with all Christians wherever they may be.

We are experiencing the joy and peace that is found in serving Jesus and one another. We want to share this joy and peace with you!

Please consider visiting. You can also learn about other small group and personal Bible study opportunities.