Weekly Sermons

Weekly Sermons

Who's On First?

Series: Matthew 6:33

Most are familiar with this famous comedy routine performed by Abbott and Costello. As if the lines are not funny enough, Costello's frustration at Abbott's non-chalance over something that to one seems casually clear, but to the other is a mystery, just adds to the hilarity. That's fine and necessary for their venues. But in religion, sadly we see a similar routine played out frequently. One who is casually confident trying to explain something to another who seeks clarity but only finds it continually a muddle. What is clear, though, is that it must all begin with the question that is before us, "Who's on first?" Who is first for us? Unless it is God, we will never be able to break through the muddle of the religious environment today and see with clarity The Creator and his will for us.

Audio and slides: https://soundfaith.com/sermons/145047-september-11-2016-am